BG Russell Wright Detachment
BG Russell Wright Detachment of the
77th Infantry Division Reserve
Officers Association
The Brig. Gen. Russell Wright Chapter of the 77th Inf. Div. R.O.A. (formerly known as the Florida Detachment of the 77th Inf. Div. R.O.A.) held its annual lunch reunion at "The Tides", the club at Patrick Air Force Base in Melbourne, Fl. The "Detachment" is a small but active group that meets formally once a year. We welcome 77th Infantry Division ROA members who relocate to Florida and those who may be in Florida when we hold our reunion meeting. The detachment was named in honor of the late Brig. Gen. Russ Wright who founded the group. Unfortunately, his widow, Hildur Wright, could not be with us this afternoon due to physical problems. Maj Gen (Ret) William F. Ward, former Commanding General of the 77th USARCOM and former Chief of Army Reserve made a short presentation
Seated left to right: Mrs. Sophie Herman
Polikoff, Mrs. Carol Conklin, Mrs. Dorothy DeRuve, Mrs. Sheena
Schlegel, Mrs. Doris Blau, Mrs Galyna Mutlos, Mrs. Marie Louise
Our list shows the following folks living in Florida and active in
the Detachment:
COL Ronald A. Blau
COL Roy W. Conklin
COL Arthur DeRuve
COL Charles L. Sues
Other 77th veterans living in Florida include:
CW4 John Allegro
CW4 Harold Blinderman
COL Edward D. Brown, Jr.
MG Richard S. Colt
COL H. William Johnson, Jr.
MAJ Alexander R. Kissel
LTC Martin S. Lapidese
CPT Robert M. Miller
MAJ George F. Mutlos
LTC Leo Y. Petrover
MAJ Ricardo N. M. Santiago
COL Robert F. Schlegel, Jr.
LTC Bertram Schultz
COL Joseph Stefan
CPT Sheldon Stern
SGM Leonard A. Storz
COL John D. Sullivan
MG William F. Ward